No information is collected from the application.
When you open the mic, if you haven't activated Siri Dictation, then the application is fully compliant with GDPR.
If you are using Siri Dictation to improve speech recognition, then the application will be compliant at the level of what Apple is compliant. For more information please refer to Apple's GDPR Legal page concerning its services
Better Meetings is an app which will help you prepare, conduct and follow up on your meetings. It will increase your productivity and those of your co-workers. This meetings best practices walk through will give you the correct reflexes to create, invite, conduct, animate productive meetings where everyone feels his time is valuable and best use.
This app is constantly evolving on your suggestions, so please get in touch with us so you can help others with your tips and tricks.
In the current version you will be able to:
Thanks for the support
Laurent Butre